About me

Carli de Wet sounds great on paper, but between you and me, it only tells half the story. The real me? I'm a whirlwind of creativity, a sponge for knowledge, and a champion for innovative problem-solving. Think design, education, languages, communication, and even psychology – my brain is a playground for all things fascinating. Plus, I'm a "multipotentialite", bouncing between passions like a kid in a candy store. So naturally, you'll find me at the intersection of education and entrepreneurship, where ideas blossom and businesses take flight.

My academic and professional credentials are a testament to my commitment to excellence:

Professional Qualifications:

  • PGCE (Senior Phase and FET) - Post Graduate Certificate in Education with Cum Laude distinction, showcasing my expertise in educational theories and practices.
  • IEB Assessors Qualification (IEB) - Demonstrating my capability in educational assessment and evaluation.
  • Google Teacher Level 1 (Certified) - Illustrating my proficiency in using Google's educational tools effectively.


  • Baccalaureus Artium: Afrikaans, Communication, Psychology and Sociology

Short Courses and Additional Training:

My skills are further enhanced by the completion of various targeted courses:

  • Harvard Visible Thinking Routines
  • Technology in the Classroom
  • Developing Writing Skills
  • Developing a Growth Mindset
  • Research Skills for All Subjects
  • Developing Strategies to Deepen Habits of Mind
  • Thinking Maps
  • Thinking Hats
  • Mind Moves
  • Autism
  • AI for Education

I am also a Canva guru with more than 1000 designs under my belt.

More than degrees and diplomas, my life has been shaped by a constant companion: ADHD. It's not always easy, but let me tell you, it's been one wild ride of insights, experiences, and yes, even superpowers.

Living with ADHD isn't just about scattered thoughts. It's given me a front-row seat to the world of diverse learning styles and the challenges that come with them. It's fostered in me an empathy I wouldn't trade for anything, especially for those students who share similar experiences.

But ADHD isn't just a hurdle – it's a secret weapon of creativity. It lets me think outside the box, bounce ideas like ping pong balls, and come up with solutions that others miss. This dynamic approach bleeds into everything I do: from designing inclusive learning strategies to crafting engaging content that sparks curiosity, not boredom.

So, yes, I'm Carli de Wet – educator, content creator, entrepreneur. But more than that, I'm a storyteller, a problem-solver with a sprinkle of chaos, and a champion for making education brighter, bolder, and accessible for everyone.

My story isn't just about diplomas and achievements – it's about resilience, about embracing quirks, and about using my experiences to inspire, educate, and innovate.